Another reason to love The Matrix

I’m a huge fan of cinema, and sometimes there’s a movie I can keep watching and never get tired of it … The Matrix is one of these.

The book Simulacra and Simulation in Neo's hand, from The Matrix

In the first movie, Neo pulls a book off his shelf, in which he hides the contraband he sells. The book is titled: Simulacra and Simulation – and the following is an excerpt taken from its Wikipedia page of that book ( which I’m now thinking I’d like to read in full ): Continue reading “Another reason to love The Matrix”

“Job Creator” – title of the wealthy but otherwise talentless.

Thought for the Day: #JobCreators

If you’re the kind of person who uses this title “job creator” about yourself, then you’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel of talentlessness … because let’s face it, anyone with any real skills – a mechanic, painter, architect, musician, or whatever – may very well create jobs as a by-product of what they do, but that’s just it … it’s a by-product, and nothing really worth mentioning; they’re not going to say “I’m a job-creator”, they’re going to say “I paint frescos”, or “I fix prestige motor engines”, or “I perform neurosurgery”.
Continue reading ““Job Creator” – title of the wealthy but otherwise talentless.”