The longer you leave it to solve a problem …

I don’t know if this is a popular saying or not, but it’s something that’s been with me since childhood:

” … the longer you leave it to solve a problem, the harder it becomes to solve … “

which speaks to the entrenchment of problems, the flow on effect – including the chain reaction & domino effect of additional problems being caused – and the backlog of unhandled consequences.

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Double Peak-Oil: None More Black

A recent study ( determined that: we’ve not just passed “peak oil” in terms of the apex of the supply-demand curve, where the Earth’s reserves have been so depleted, that demand will always outstrip supply (from here on in); but we’ve also outstripped usage versus ecological consequences, ie – any further oil wells means that exceeding 2 degrees of global warming is inevitable … and thus, the amount of new oil wells we can drill is NONE, NONE MORE BLACK.

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