The Incongruence of Government Departments

I was just watching a bit of a show on the ABC ( Australia ), in which they were talking about the recent fish kill in the Murray-Darling river system, and in which they were interviewing a guy from the environmental office of The Department of Primary Industries NSW ( ).

Now, think about that for a minute: here’s a guy whose role is supposed to be ecological concerns, but he works in a department which has an economically based prime directive. If that doesn’t scream incongruence to you, then you understand neither economics nor ecology.

Continue reading “The Incongruence of Government Departments”

The longer you leave it to solve a problem …

I don’t know if this is a popular saying or not, but it’s something that’s been with me since childhood:

” … the longer you leave it to solve a problem, the harder it becomes to solve … “

which speaks to the entrenchment of problems, the flow on effect – including the chain reaction & domino effect of additional problems being caused – and the backlog of unhandled consequences.

Continue reading “The longer you leave it to solve a problem …”

Double Peak-Oil: None More Black

A recent study ( determined that: we’ve not just passed “peak oil” in terms of the apex of the supply-demand curve, where the Earth’s reserves have been so depleted, that demand will always outstrip supply (from here on in); but we’ve also outstripped usage versus ecological consequences, ie – any further oil wells means that exceeding 2 degrees of global warming is inevitable … and thus, the amount of new oil wells we can drill is NONE, NONE MORE BLACK.

Continue reading “Double Peak-Oil: None More Black”

Self-Sovereignty: Making Ecological and Social Justice Possible

[ Republished – 2nd edit: March 20, 2017 – from original article April 2015 ]

author’s note

This general topic is covered repeatly from different angles in different posts, but the intended purpose of this article is just to go straight to the heart of the matter, with respect to the scepticism many people have, as to whether or not an Resources Based Economy is possible in any form.

But to argue the case for an RBE, we must also argue the case for how every other social system attached to the economic system will function in its absence. So this article also deals with how an RBE can deliver justice. Continue reading “Self-Sovereignty: Making Ecological and Social Justice Possible”