Product Review: Windows 10 [ updated, AGAIN! ]

[ SECOND EDIT ] Just a day later, as if someone at Microsoft had read my article and thought to themselves “you think that’s crap? Check this out!” ( see bottom of article ).

[ FIRST EDIT ] Since writing this only a few hours ago, a few other things came to my attention, which I’ve added at the end

I’m writing this out of sheer frustration with an operating system that is actually a devolution, not an evolution in software design and programming. Windows 10 is still, after more than 3 years — on top of its rushed and hasty ‘development’, if you can call it that at all — an operating system barely worthy of the title “beta-release”, and is without question, a backward step in several respects from Windows 7 ( ie: it is a downgrade, not an upgrade ).

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