I’m disappointed in my fellow humans that after everything we’ve seen over the past few decades — and all the history that came before — that what I’m writing about here still needs to be explained to some people … I cannot fathom how anyone could actually genuinely be stupid enough not to get it, without actually suffering from some kind of serious brain damage, birth defect of mental retardation — or perhaps brainwashing … and that’s it, isn’t it … people are indeed brainwashed.
Entertainment and Hospitality industries in an Open Empire
As you should be aware – if you’ve read enough of this site – industries don’t just disappear in the vision I propose, but simply the motivations for them and agendas they pursue will change … hospitality is no different. So I was thinking that perhaps some of you might be wondering:
“will I still be able to go to a cafe / restaurant, or see a live band perform, if capitalism collapses and is replaced by a non-property/trade/currency-based economic paradigm?”
… the answer is most definitely yes, and I’ll explain how it would most likely work.
Continue reading “Entertainment and Hospitality industries in an Open Empire”
5 elements of systemic scarcity: objectives, process, resources, temporal, and spatial
This article originally came to me as an idea about how to simply distinguish the differences between property/trade/currency vs. non-property/trade/currency based economic systems – being that the former manufactures scarcity, while the latter removes it ( where possible ). Which in turn was inspired by a debate on social media about whether or not the world is over populated, what we mean by that, and how/why we justify such a statement.
It then occurred to me that for people to understand these issues, they must first understand what scarcity is, and how it occurs – ironically, the people who understand this the least are often the ones who should understand it the best ( economists ), and yet it’s quite apparent that many of them haven’t a clue. The reason for that being, scarcity is an ecological issue, but not an economic one within the confines of the capitalist economic paradigm ( though it should be ).
So let’s start at the beginning and look at what scarcity actually is.
The fate of religion and spirituality in an open empire society
I know that more than half the people of the world believe in something they would call “spiritual”, and for any of you whom have read much of what I’ve written, it won’t come as a surprise to you that I feel sorry for these people – I pity the adult who cannot see past religion. I hope the religious amongst you will read this nonetheless, as I think it offers you something far greater and more wonderful than the brainwashing death-cult you currently follow.
So in this article I want to deal with the question:
“how would religion fare if it had to take responsibility for the consequences of its actions.”
Continue reading “The fate of religion and spirituality in an open empire society”
Blame shifting, brinkmanship, cowardice, ignorance, illiteracy, and laziness … versus “the sky is falling” – how do you find truth in a post truth world?
What exactly is it we are referring to when we use the word “sky”?
If we think about it carefully:
the sky is an emergent object which only strictly speaking “exists” when you have an unobstructed view upwards towards a purely natural atmospheric and/or astronomical background.
So if i can see clouds, blue sky ( daylight ), or stars, I am seeing some aspect of the day-time or night-time sky. Continue reading “Blame shifting, brinkmanship, cowardice, ignorance, illiteracy, and laziness … versus “the sky is falling” – how do you find truth in a post truth world?”
Flawed assumptions of capitalism
In order for capitalism to “work” ( ie – not fail ) in any regard, its starting assumptions must most likely be either true, or not too far off the truth; they certainly can’t be utterly false and contradictory to reality, in some manner likely to cause total failure.
Now one of the defences not often spoken – but which must logically be implied by any defence of capitalism from a civil liberties, human rights, and individual freedom of expression perspective – is that:
- IF your offerings to the world have value;
- THEN you should be able to support yourself providing such;
- ELSE IF you are unable to support yourself;
- THEN clearly your offerings have no significant value.
Think about that for a minute. Continue reading “Flawed assumptions of capitalism”
Evolution is not smashing things with hammers
Weird title I know … but it’s a metaphor, allow me to explain.
A lot of people are too simple minded to think about anything in great depth, and once they think they understand something, that’s often the end of their investigation. Continue reading “Evolution is not smashing things with hammers”
Anarchically Ensured Veganism
The purpose of this article is to propose my hypothesis on how the anarchic Open Empire Foundation framework will act to move people towards a vegan diet, without creating any law nor enforcement of law. Continue reading “Anarchically Ensured Veganism”
Ego – it’s not a dirty word
At the outset I want to say that I am misinterpreted, misrepresented, and misunderstood by some people on an almost constant basis … they’re convinced they couldn’t possibly have interpreted anything even slightly incorrectly, convinced there’s nothing I could possibly say that would be valid or add any significant change to their interpretation of events, and convinced that the values and methods by which they’ve interpreted the situation are unassailable. Continue reading “Ego – it’s not a dirty word”
Social behaviour modification & censorship
author’s note
I found an old screen-capture image I’d taken from Facebook a few years ago, and it inspired me to write this post, which discusses how an alternate economic framework, based on consequences rather than property, would deal with such things as censorship, societal values, and moderation of behaviour.
Continue reading “Social behaviour modification & censorship”