Capitalism Breaches Human Rights

I have been saying for a while now that capitalism is in breach of human rights, according to the articles of the international declaration ( or charter ) of human rights ( link ).

For those of you unfamiliar with the document, I have made a summary of its points ( following ), but you can also read the full version online via the link above. Anyone else is free to skip past all that to here. Continue reading “Capitalism Breaches Human Rights”

Proposed Legislation: Pollution vs. Materials Usage

Look almost anywhere, and I challenge you to find a place you won't see some rubbish
[ Revised – 1st edit: March 17, 2017 – from original article March 2016 ]

author’s note

So long as the status quo of capitalism exists, we are stuck with a dilemma:

  • on the one hand we need to tear it down, so the faster it fails, the better
  • on the other hand, its excesses are causing suffering and death, and we want to limit that

Continue reading “Proposed Legislation: Pollution vs. Materials Usage”