A note on terminology: law vs. justice

This probably should have occurred to me to do a long time ago, but for some reason it didn’t, and this may have caused some confusion … but some of you may have noticed that on the one hand I describe Open Empire as “non-hierarchical (aka anarchic)” but on the other hand I also describe it as being about new systems of “law economics and politics”. So … wherever you see the word “law” please do an edit in your head and replace this with the term “justice”.

Continue reading “A note on terminology: law vs. justice”

Tort Law and why you need to know about it.

Following on from a previous article on democracy & law (LINK), let’s have a look at the failure of law makers & enforcers to live up to their own principles. This is not a defence of the legal system, as a more competent civilisation would have developed a vastly better system; it is merely pointing out how the system is supposed to function.

The problem at hand is the issue of Tort, and how this creates the difference between criminal & civil offences.

Continue reading “Tort Law and why you need to know about it.”

Open Empire on “bounty hunters”, detectives, police and other “crime fighters”, plus the patriarchy.

The epic assaults being carried out against the vulnerable around the world at this very moment will determine the fate of our species and the living earth itself.

Source: Ushering in the Closing Chapter of the Human Species – by Kenn Orphan @ www.kennorphan.com

I read this article some time ago, and had made some comments which drew me back to the article, as others had liked those comments; in my revisit, I noticed some new comments by others which drew further replies from me, and that I thought I would share.

Continue reading “Open Empire on “bounty hunters”, detectives, police and other “crime fighters”, plus the patriarchy.”

Self-Sovereignty: Making Ecological and Social Justice Possible

[ Republished – 2nd edit: March 20, 2017 – from original article April 2015 ]

author’s note

This general topic is covered repeatly from different angles in different posts, but the intended purpose of this article is just to go straight to the heart of the matter, with respect to the scepticism many people have, as to whether or not an Resources Based Economy is possible in any form.

But to argue the case for an RBE, we must also argue the case for how every other social system attached to the economic system will function in its absence. So this article also deals with how an RBE can deliver justice. Continue reading “Self-Sovereignty: Making Ecological and Social Justice Possible”

Anarchy: principled living without rules or rulers

Anarchy: better to die on your feet than live on your knees
[Republished – 2nd edit: March 16, 2017 – from original article April 2015]

author’s note

I suspect this is one of the biggest questions in people’s minds ( skeptics ), about how we can live in a non-hierarchical, non-authoritarian, completely anarchic world … the mainstream narrative tells us such a thing is impossible, and that anarchy is synonymous with chaos – but nothing could be further from the truth. Continue reading “Anarchy: principled living without rules or rulers”