The future isn’t cryptocurrency, as cryptocurrency retains the fundamental flaws of currency, and the fundamental flaws of the underlying property/trade/currency-based economic paradigm from which currency is derived … the future IS however the blockchain, used for non-species-biased, non-property/trade/currency-based, and non-hierarchical ( aka anarchic ) justice economics & politics. Continue reading “Visionary Investor(s) required”
A lesson for Microsoft ( and other tech developers )
I’m one of the generation who grew up with the first home computers; some of my friends at school had things like the Atari, Commodore64, ZX81, Apple III, and Amiga ( amongst others ), while our family had an Apple IIe, one of the schools I attended had some Amstrads, and the local TAFE ( aka Australian technical colleges – actually called a CAE ( “college of advanced education” ) back in those days, long before it became a fully fledged university ) had a punch-card & tape-drive mainframe system ( probably IBM, but I’m not sure ). Continue reading “A lesson for Microsoft ( and other tech developers )”