Your beliefs are your brainwashing

If you actually knew something, if you actually understood it, if you could actually prove it, quantify it, explain it … then you wouldn’t need to believe it, because belief would be redundant.


The idea that violence is always universally bad is not your idea, it’s theirs — because they want you to give them the exclusive right to use violence, and they will use it against you & everyone else who isn’t one of them.


The idea that ego is always universally bad is not your idea, it’s theirs — because they want you to have no sense confidence beyond what they let you have.


The idea that judgement is always universally bad is not your idea, it’s theirs — because they want you to stop thinking critically, and to accept everything they do, no matter how evil.


The idea that you should be happy & positive 24/7 is not your idea, it’s theirs — because they want you to be happy to give up your power, and to be addicted to positivity like a drug, because you have no strength or stamina to endure any pain … that way, they can use pain to control you.


The idea that logic is always universally the enemy of creativity, expression, imagination, and the always goal-post-shifting ‘spirituality’, is not your idea, it’s theirs — because they want you to have easily beatable strategies in life, which they can make successful or failures on a whim by their own input, and thus convince you that success or failure is due to following principles which they dictate … simple resource starvation allows them to control whether you succeed or fail, alongside brainwashing to convince you why something succeeded or failed.

Wherever you look in society, you will see this pattern of narratives being accepted and shared by a gullible unthinking masses, whom do not understand how easy they are to manipulate — such that they actually believe the brainwashing is their own original thoughts.


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