I’ve got two methods set up for donations and sponsorship:
- PayPal: paypal.me/galacticprez ( donate – once off ).
- Patreon: patreon.com/open_empire_foundation ( sponsor the project on a regular basis ).
I’ve got two methods set up for donations and sponsorship:
Ok, this is a big question with a lot of unknowns – and thus one of the longer articles I’ve written so far – but it is precisely the fact that I can’t predict an exact number, that has led me to design everything in the way that I have done … so let’s have a look at how things break down in terms of monetary cost, but let’s also first look at what the vision is actually trying to achieve in the short versus long term. At the end we’ll also have a look at the ROI for this investment. Continue reading “How much money under the status quo, would it take to implement the Open Empire Foundation vision?”
I have gone through the first 7 pages of articles in the blog roll and manually added the “more” tag to them, so that as you browse the updates or blog-roll pages, the posts appear only in short form with a link to “continue reading” … this should help make it faster to navigate the posts to find something you want to read, but I still have another 10 pages to go, as they each have to be done manually, to choose the right point to insert the tag, and sometimes also edit the post around it a bit. Continue reading “Update: March 11, 2017 #3 – “more” links added to posts”
I have now also updated the page at open-empire.org/#learn so that it points to this blog, the associated RSS feed, and also to a wiki subdomain that I haven’t yet installed, but which will be at wiki.open-empire.org. Continue reading “Update March 11, 2017 #2 – Learn page updated”
I’m just putting some final touches on one of the main pages from the root domain open-empire.org/#about after having mostly finished modifying the CSS styling – you might need to refresh your browser to see the new styling – from the template I started with … so keen to get feedback on this page before I move on to the next one … I’m still in the middle of modifying the “history” section down the bottom, but most of the page is done.
Continue reading “Update: March 11, 2017 – About page almost complete”
OK … there’s still a lot more to do, but here’s how things stand:
Continue reading “Update: March 9, 2017 – New Websites Live”
Hi everyone.
My website is about to switch hosts very soon, and in that process I’m going to give it a bit of a makeover.
Please bear with me, the site may go offline for a day or so over the next couple of weeks, and as web-design & development has not been my thing before, I’m having to teach myself everything as I go along.
Continue reading “Update March 2017: NEW WEBSITE COMING SOON”