The Incongruence of Government Departments

I was just watching a bit of a show on the ABC ( Australia ), in which they were talking about the recent fish kill in the Murray-Darling river system, and in which they were interviewing a guy from the environmental office of The Department of Primary Industries NSW ( ).

Now, think about that for a minute: here’s a guy whose role is supposed to be ecological concerns, but he works in a department which has an economically based prime directive. If that doesn’t scream incongruence to you, then you understand neither economics nor ecology.

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On the quality of Australian parliamentarians

It has always bothered me that senators and others get titles like “the honourable” when they are no such fucking thing, and quite frankly they’re the opposite. What bothers me even more is the proportion of them whom are utter imbeciles, completely corrupt, cowardly, incompetent, disingenuous, and even bat shit crazy. Not to mention all the others in the bureaucracy, judiciary, police, ‘intelligence services’, and defence forces, whom are at least complicit if not corrupt themselves.

My question is:

How the fuck do any of these twats qualify to even run for public office in the first place, much less actually get themselves elected and then maintain their position, instead of getting themselves arrested?

— and I think Australia really needs to ask itself why it is so willing to have the very worst and least our society produces, as its so-called “leaders” … when arguably these people are making nothing but bad decisions, and I challenge you to prove me wrong ( ie: name and argue why any significant set of policies by any government in the last 4 decades has been brilliant and visionary ).

Many of these people are without question corrupt as fuck, as they openly take bribes, which is the very definition of corruption, and the mere act of rebranding these bribes as ‘donations’ and ‘lobbying’ is all it takes to ignore the fact that it is bribery, and therefore corruption. Our parliament is full of criminals.

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Yet more evidence capitalism will fail to achieve sustainability

More than a decade ago, maybe as much as 2 decades ago I heard of some European automobile manufacturers taking responsibility for the materials used in their vehicles, by way of recalling all end of life vehicles and recycling every single component. Now I don’t know how accurate the story was, as it was second hand information at best when I received it, and I can’t even remember where I heard it. But it gave me an idea.

More than 5 years ago I started suggesting ( and publishing ) the idea that manufacturers should be made to show technical cause for the use of any and all non-biodegradable and/or toxic materials — ie: they should be required to show that materials are chosen for technical not economic reasons, so that the best materials for the job are used, even if something else is cheaper, where those cheaper options are toxic and/or non-biodegradable — as this would ensure the maximisation of materials innovation for biodegradable and non-toxic options.

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Strategic transition vs. uncontrolled collapse

Many people advocate for the immediate collapse of the status quo of capitalism, without regard to the consequences of that collapse, so I want to go over the reasons why this is not a good idea.

In brief: we currently have organisations that are in control of such things as biological, chemical, and nuclear hazards;

— so ask yourself this:

  • IF wages cease being paid tomorrow because capitalism collapses;
  • THEN whom will turn up to work to decommission these hazards?

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Psychic prediction

Ok, this isn’t really psychic, but I thought that was an apt name for the article.


A hypothetical rock starts rolling down a hypothetical mountainside, slowly at first, then gathering speed it rolls through some mud which completely cakes the rock in an inch thick layer … and on this strange hypothetical mountain, it then encounters a patch of small broken sticks, then rolls across ice which freezes the mud and traps the sticks in it, then it rolls across gravel that gets stuck between all the sticks;

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Poverty is a full-time job

I’m disappointed in my fellow humans that after everything we’ve seen over the past few decades — and all the history that came before — that what I’m writing about here still needs to be explained to some people … I cannot fathom how anyone could actually genuinely be stupid enough not to get it, without actually suffering from some kind of serious brain damage, birth defect of mental retardation — or perhaps brainwashing … and that’s it, isn’t it … people are indeed brainwashed.

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Superbugs and flesh eating bacterium

I was reading an article the other day about a woman who died as a consequence of flesh eating bacterium, and it made me think a few things which prompted this article.

Firstly, I will guarantee you that the world will continue to take the wrong approach to this unless they think in the way I’m about to suggest — hence the motivation to educate them before they make matters worse as they’ve been continuing to do so far … secondly I’ll bet a lot of people will deny what I’m about to say, and then it will later be proven correct.

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Imagining waste

So you’ve just done Christmas with the family eh?

  • How many presents were bought by one family member or friend of the family for another ( on average )?
  • How much wrapping paper, synthetics, sticky-tape, ribbons, and other superfluous package was used per gift?
  • How many component parts of the present, and how much of the packaging & wrapping were biodegradable?
  • What is the lifespan of the utility of the gift?

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Entertainment and Hospitality industries in an Open Empire

As you should be aware – if you’ve read enough of this site – industries don’t just disappear in the vision I propose, but simply the motivations for them and agendas they pursue will change … hospitality is no different. So I was thinking that perhaps some of you might be wondering:

“will I still be able to go to a cafe / restaurant, or see a live band perform, if capitalism collapses and is replaced by a non-property/trade/currency-based economic paradigm?”

… the answer is most definitely yes, and I’ll explain how it would most likely work.

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