Everyone wants change, no one is willing to undergo discomfort

I’ve discovered something very disappointing in my attempts over the years to gain adequate support to take my work forward … which is that on the one hand, while everyone (or almost everyone) says they want change, very few are willing to undergo any discomfort to get there … and when I say “any” discomfort, I quite literally mean “none whatsoever”. Continue reading “Everyone wants change, no one is willing to undergo discomfort”

On fascism

A quick post.

I just want you to understand something …

The extreme right wing, and those who hide in plain sight pretending to be on the left (or in the political centre for that matter) … are all complete and utter imbeciles … but more importantly, they’re cowards. The same is especially true of those from the business world who promote these idiotic agendas. Continue reading “On fascism”