Proposed Legislation: Pollution vs. Materials Usage

Look almost anywhere, and I challenge you to find a place you won't see some rubbish
[ Revised – 1st edit: March 17, 2017 – from original article March 2016 ]

author’s note

So long as the status quo of capitalism exists, we are stuck with a dilemma:

  • on the one hand we need to tear it down, so the faster it fails, the better
  • on the other hand, its excesses are causing suffering and death, and we want to limit that

Continue reading “Proposed Legislation: Pollution vs. Materials Usage”

Who (or what) “rules” in an Open Empire?

The short answer to this is: “everyone, everything, no-one & nothing” … but let’s try for something a little less cryptic.

Open Empire is an ‘anarchic’ system, from the Greek origin:

anarkhos: an- (‘without’) +arkhos (‘chief’ or ‘ruler’).

So to the contrary of what many of us were led to believe throughout our lives, anarchy does NOT mean “chaos”, NOR does it mean “no rules” … it means (specifically) “no rulers”.

NOW you may wonder: “how can we have rules if there’s no hierarchical power to enforce those rules?” Continue reading “Who (or what) “rules” in an Open Empire?”

Movie Review: The Martian (2015)

I just watched this movie for the first time … and I just want to say one thing:

  • While on the one hand yes it is inspiring & a great advertisement for why we spend money on space exploration …
  • I want to know why we don’t treat the rescue of all people & species this way?

Think about it … it’s not the first movie with this message “leave no one behind” … but this message is a lie. Continue reading “Movie Review: The Martian (2015)”

Economics and Sustainability: the delusion of the global “elite”

First of all before I begin, I’ll just explain (if it wasn’t already obvious): I put the word “elite” in quotation marks to make it absolutely clear: this is a joke of a title people have given themselves.

There’s nothing elite whatsoever about being an arsehole; in fact that’s easy & anyone can do it, because what it means is you’re holding yourselves to a LOWER STANDARD of behaviour. Continue reading “Economics and Sustainability: the delusion of the global “elite””

What is your Open Empire project?


If you could do anything & didn’t have to worry about the property trade & currency based economic concerns of investment cost, profit or loss … and instead, you could simply focus on your project goals, research, development, implementation etc.; while making efforts to ensure your project activities abide by the best possible & feasible practices, which minimise ecological & social harm, and maximise ecological & social benefits …


Continue reading “What is your Open Empire project?”