The fate of religion and spirituality in an open empire society

I know that more than half the people of the world believe in something they would call “spiritual”, and for any of you whom have read much of what I’ve written, it won’t come as a surprise to you that I feel sorry for these people – I pity the adult who cannot see past religion. I hope the religious amongst you will read this nonetheless, as I think it offers you something far greater and more wonderful than the brainwashing death-cult you currently follow.

So in this article I want to deal with the question:

“how would religion fare if it had to take responsibility for the consequences of its actions.”

Continue reading “The fate of religion and spirituality in an open empire society”

Technical update and product review ( Metabox ) – Nov 9th, 2017

I ran into an issue at 62,000 words on the book manuscript, being that MS Word struggles to render any pages that have embedded images, even when I’ve been careful to render the image at the lowest acceptable quality of image resolution – the problem was so bad, that the entire computer would seem to have crashed for a few minutes, and which is not acceptable given this is a reasonably powerful machine that should have no such issues with a simple display of text, formatting, layout, and the occasional image.

NOTE: The terms used below are explained further down ( after the review ), if you’re interested in a quick lesson about system configuration for your own home/office computers.
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The “Leaf Blower vs. Broom” analogy

People often argue that capitalism is efficient, and that it strives for efficiency, but even a cursory glance at the reality around you should tell you otherwise. There are countless other examples of the inefficiency of capitalism, but I want to provide you with one detailed example first.

I was walking up the road from my house when I saw a man using one of my most hated devices, the leaf blower, a device which is a very common and typical example of the failures of capitalism … let’s take a look at exactly how redundant and wasteful this device is. Continue reading “The “Leaf Blower vs. Broom” analogy”

Visionary Investor(s) required

The future isn’t cryptocurrency, as cryptocurrency retains the fundamental flaws of currency, and the fundamental flaws of the underlying property/trade/currency-based economic paradigm from which currency is derived … the future IS however the blockchain, used for non-species-biased, non-property/trade/currency-based, and non-hierarchical ( aka anarchic ) justice economics & politics. Continue reading “Visionary Investor(s) required”

A lesson for Microsoft ( and other tech developers )

I’m one of the generation who grew up with the first home computers; some of my friends at school had things like the Atari, Commodore64, ZX81, Apple III, and Amiga ( amongst others ), while our family had an Apple IIe, one of the schools I attended had some Amstrads, and the local TAFE ( aka Australian technical colleges – actually called a CAE ( “college of advanced education” ) back in those days, long before it became a fully fledged university ) had a punch-card & tape-drive mainframe system ( probably IBM, but I’m not sure ). Continue reading “A lesson for Microsoft ( and other tech developers )”

Extended Eulogy from the funeral of my dad, Dr Jim Rose

For those of you whom were unable to attend the funeral of my father, or whom did attend but would like to read this extended version of my own contribution to the family eulogy, I post this for you – also for those whom wish to understand where I came from and perhaps get a glimpse of how my father influenced my obsession with Ecological & Social Justice & Sustainability. Continue reading “Extended Eulogy from the funeral of my dad, Dr Jim Rose”

Goodbye dad

I love you, I wish you were still here, I wish we had many more days in which to get to know each other better … but the last chance for that is now gone, and all I can do is study the things you left behind, including my feelings for and memories of you, in order to divine new clues as to the nature of who you were. Continue reading “Goodbye dad”